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House Grants H D R The Department of Defense Appropriations Act, Public Law 4365

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    WASHINGTON – Today, the House of Representatives met to consider H.R. 4365, the Fiscal Year 2024 Department of Defense Appropriations Act. The measure was approved by the House with a vote of 218 to 210.

    The Defense Appropriations bill funds agencies and programs under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense (DOD) and Intelligence Community, including the Military Services, Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency. For Fiscal Year 2024, the bill provides $826.15 billion in new discretionary spending, which is $14.13 million below the President’s Budget Request and $28.41 billion – or 3.5% – over the FY23 enacted level.

      The Defense Appropriations bill uses the power of the purse to refocus the Pentagon on the true mission of the military – providing for our national defense – and defunds this Administration’s divisive social agenda. After thorough, line-by-line review of the Budget Request, funding that lacked adequate justification or that did not advance DOD’s core mission was cut, resulting in savings of nearly $20 billion. The bill instead invests those resources in programs and activities that will counter China and other near peer adversaries and increase DOD’s role in combatting the flow of fentanyl, synthetic opioids, and other illegal drugs into the United States. The bill also mandates enhanced oversight, promotes innovation of the DOD’s procurement process, and reforms the Pentagon’s civilian workforce by leveraging tools used in the private sector – all in an effort to ensure the wise investment of taxpayer dollars. Importantly, the bill expands support for servicemembers and their families – our nation’s most valued assets. The result is a bill that rejects culture wars and instead prepares us for combat wars in a fiscally responsible manner.

    H.R. 4365, The Fiscal Year 2024 Department of Defense Appropriations Act

    • Prioritizes the fight against China by:
      • Making a historic investment in security cooperation funding for Taiwan;
        • Supporting training programs for Taiwan, including through the National Guard State Partnership Program.
        • Prioritizing the delivery of defense articles and services to Taiwan.
      • Rejecting the Biden Administration’s inadequate shipbuilding plan by preventing 4 ships from early retirement;
      • Increasing investments in 5th and 6th generation aircraft like the F-35 and Next Generation Air Dominance;
      • Providing over $9 billion for the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, which bolsters U.S. military capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region;
      • Providing significant funding for the Defense Innovation Unit and the military services to accelerate acquisition processes to ensure we have the most innovative technology in time for the fight;
      • Fully funding the Office of Strategic Capital to maximize the use of private capital for defense emerging technologies and manufacturing; and
      • Including increased funding for the successful program Accelerate the Procurement and Fielding of Innovative Technologies (APFIT), which stops critical innovation from being caught in the “Valley of Death.”
    • Optimizes the Pentagon’s civilian workforce by:
      • Cutting $1 billion of the President’s Budget Request for the civilian workforce;
      • Forcing the Pentagon and the Military Services to take a serious look at what functions can be done better by technology than by civilians by directing the Department to reassess the number and roles of its personnel needed for its core mission, tasks, and functions;
      • Ensuring the Department has an appropriate workforce for areas that directly serve the warfighter, like depots and shipyards; and
      • Providing funding to accelerate the Department’s digital transformation of business practices through the Chief Data Artificial Intelligence Office.
    • Innovates and modernizes the Military by:
      • Investing in next-generation fighter aircraft, helicopters, tactical combat vehicles, and submarines;
      • Empowering combatant commanders to quickly obtain the cutting-edge technology and weapons they need and to rapidly get them to the warfighter; and
      • Funding the modernization of the nuclear triad: the B-21 Raider, the Columbia Class Submarine, and Sentinel.
    • Enhances DOD’s role in countering the flow of illicit fentanyl and synthetic opioids by:
      • Providing $1.16 billion for the drug interdiction and counterdrug activities account, which is $275 million above the request;
      • Increasing funding for the National Guard Counterdrug Program;
      • Increasing funding for train and equip programs to counter illicit fentanyl and synthetic opioids and the transnational criminal organizations that contribute to the fentanyl crisis, particularly the Sinaloa and Jalisco drug cartels; and
      • Transferring Mexico from U.S. Northern Command to U.S. Southern Command, which enables better coordination and prioritization.

    A summary of the bill, before adoption of amendments, is available here.

    During floor consideration, the House adopted the following amendments:

    • Calvert (CA) – En Bloc #1
      • James (MI), Stevens (MI) – #1
      • Buchanan (FL) – #2
      • Buchanan (FL) – #3
      • Carbajal (CA) – #4
      • Jacobs (CA) – #5
      • Kiggans (VA), Escobar (TX), Ryan (NY), Mace (SC) – #6
      • McCormick – #7
      • Stevens (MI), Bergman (MI), Dingell (MI) – #8
      • Wilson (SC), Frankel (FL) – #9
      • Caraveo (CO) – #10
      • Davis (NC), Cartwright (PA), Edwards (NC) – #11
      • Fallon (TX), McClain (MI), Wilson (SC), Norcross (NJ), Hudson (NC), Moran (TX) – #12
      • Dunn (FL), McCormick (GA) – #13
      • Gonzales, Tony (TX), Crow (CO) – #14
      • Joyce (OH) – #15
      • Crow (CO), Lamborn (CO), Buck (CO) – #16
      • Ezell (MS), Kelly (MS), Guest (MS) – #17
      • Kelly (MS), Guest (MS), Veasey (TX) – #18
      • Lamborn (CO) – #19
      • Bacon (NE) – #20
      • Bacon (NE), Thompson (PA) – #21
      • Banks (IN) – #22
      • Boebert (CO) – #23
      • Boebert (CO) – #24
      • Boebert (CO) – #25
      • Boebert (CO) – #26
      • Connolly (VA) – #27
      • Crow (CO) – #28
      • Fitzgerald (WI) – #30
      • Fitzpatrick (PA) – #31
      • Garamendi (CA), Thompson (CA) – #32
      • Garbarino (NY) – #33
      • Houlahan (PA), Moore (UT) – #35
      • Issa (CA) – #36
      • James (MI) – #37
      • James (MI) – #38
      • Joyce (PA), Trone (MD), Thompson (PA), Kelly (MS), Wild (PA), Finstad (MN), Houlahan (PA) – #39
      • Kamlager-Dove (CA) – #40
      • Keating (MA) – #41
      • Kelly (MS) – #42
      • Luna (FL) – #46
      • Luttrell (TX), Moore (UT), McCormick (GA) – #47
      • Luttrell (TX), Gallagher (WI), Himes (CT) – #49
      • McClain (MI) – #51
      • Sherrill (NJ) – #65
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Calvert (CA) – En Bloc #2
      • Kuster (NH) – #43
      • Lieu (CA), Carbajal (CA), Lamborn (CO) – #44
      • Lieu (CA), Carbajal (CA), Lamborn (CO) – #45
      • Lynch (MA) – #50
      • McClain (MI) – #52
      • McClain (MI), Bergman (MI), Norcross (NJ), James (MI) – #53
      • McCormick (GA) – #54
      • Miller (WV), Mills (FL), Bost (IL), Luna (FL) #55
      • Mills (FL), Moskowitz (FL) – #56
      • Norcross (NJ) – #58
      • Perry (PA) – #59
      • Raskin (MD), Fitzpatrick (PA) – #60
      • Scott, Austin (GA) – #61
      • Sessions (TX) – #62
      • Sewell (AL), Eshoo (CA), Carson (IN), Joyce (PA) – #63
      • Sherrill (NJ) – #64
      • Sorensen (IL) – #75
      • Strong (AL) – #76
      • Strong (AL) – #77
      • Trahan (MA) – #78
      • Trahan (MA), Kelly (PA) – #79
      • Turner (OH) – #80
      • Wasserman Schultz (FL), Mast (FL) – #81
      • Wilson (SC) – #82
      • Wilson (SC) – #83
      • Lamborn (CO), Cartwright (PA) – #84
      • Vasquez (NM) – #85
      • Joyce (PA), Thompson (PA) – #87  
      • Tenney (NY), Tonko (NY), Morelle (NY) – #88
      • Jackson Lee (TX) – #90
      • Dunn (FL) – #91
      • Fischbach (MN) – #92
      • Guest (MS), Kelly (MS), Ezell (MS) – #93
      • Hern (OK) – #94
      • Hudson (NC) – #95
      • Lesko (AZ), Ciscomani (AZ), Stanton (AZ), Davis (NC) – #96
      • McGovern (MA) – #97
      • Miller (WV) – #99
      • Molinaro (NY) – #101
      • Moylan (GU) – #103
      • Wilson (SC) – #105
      • Ezell (MS) – #106
      • Franklin (FL) – #107
      • Franklin (FL) – #108
      • Johnson (SD) – #109
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    •  Calvert (CA) – En Bloc #3
      • Titus (NV) – #86
      • LaHood (IL), Peltola (AK), Sorensen (IL) – #89
      • ​​​McGovern (MA), Fitzpatrick (PA) – #98
      • Mills (FL), McClellan (VA), Joyce (OH) – #100
      • Morelle (NY) – #102
      • Scanlon (PA) – #104
      • LaLota (NY) – #110
      • Peters (CA) – #111
      • Peters (CA) – #112
      • Self (TX), Pfluger (TX) – #113
      • Smith (NJ) – #114
      • Bilirakis (FL) – #115
      • Carey (OH), Craig (MN), Turner (OH) – #116
      • Joyce (OH) – #117
      • Lamborn (CO) – #118
      • Letlow (LA) – #119
      • Pettersen (CO) – #120
      • Sewell (AL), Waltz (FL) – #121
      • Soto (FL) – #122
      • Tenney (NY), Tonko (NY), Morelle (NY) – #123
      • Wenstrup (OH), Landsman (OH), Turner (OH) – #124
      • Huizenga (MI) – #126
      • Buchanan (FL), Garamendi (CA) – #127
      • Carey (OH) – #128
      • Davis (NC) – #129
      • Deluzio (PA), Kelly (PA) – #130
      • Ellzey (TX) – #131
      • Houchin (IN), Blunt Rochester (DE) – #132
      • Hudson (NC) – #133
      • Kiggans (VA), Scott (VA) – #134
      • Mills (FL), McCormick (GA) – #135
      • Wenstrup (OH), Trone (MD), Finstad (MN) – #136
      • Kiggans (VA) – #138
      • Molinaro (NY) – #139
      • Rouzer (NC), Davis (NC) – #140
      • Cohen (TN), Cleaver (MO) – #141
      • Kiggans (VA) – #142
      • Finstad (MN) – #143
      • Bergman (MI) – #144
      • Molinaro (NY) – #145
      • Molinaro (NY) – #146
      • Williams (NY) – #147
      • Alford (MO) – #148
      • Fry (SC) – #159
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Houlahan (PA) – #34
      • The amendment was adopted by a vote of 240 to 191.
    • Luttrell (TX), Crenshaw (TX) – #48
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Crenshaw (TX) – #137
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Griffith (VA) – #150
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Clyde (GA), Good (VA) – #154
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Crane (AZ), Miller (IL) – #157
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Greene (GA), Van Orden (WI) – #164
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Hageman (WY) – #165
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Malliotakis (NY) – #167
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Norman (SC) – #168
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Norman (SC) – #169
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Ogles (TN) – #170
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Ogles (TN) – #171
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Rosendale (MT) – #172
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Roy (TX) – #173
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Roy (TX) – #174
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Roy (TX), McCormick (GA), Duncan (SC), Brecheen (OK) – #176
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Roy (TX), Cammack (FL) – #177
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Tiffany (WI) – #178
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Tiffany (WI) – #179
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.
    • Rosendale (MT) – #180
      • Adopted by Voice Vote.

    The Rule for H.R. 4365, with a list of all amendments and a description provided by the sponsor, is available here.

      Bill text, before adoption of amendments, is available here.
    Bill report, before adoption of amendments, is available here.



    Article information

    Author: Veronica Schroeder

    Last Updated: 1698660003

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    Author information

    Name: Veronica Schroeder

    Birthday: 2002-01-28

    Address: Unit 3225 Box 0006, DPO AP 49106

    Phone: +3578846416355309

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Bird Watching, Photography, Pottery, Camping, Geocaching, Poker, Ice Skating

    Introduction: My name is Veronica Schroeder, I am a intrepid, cherished, venturesome, risk-taking, Adventurous, resolved, tenacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.