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Dogecoin and a competitor that has increased by over 300 percent year to date will be listed on a major cryptocurrency exchange, according to The Daily Hodl

Major crypto exchange Bitpanda is listing Floki Inu (FLOKI) after the meme token surged more than 300% this year.

The Austrian-based exchange says investors can start trading FLOKI on their platform beginning March 17th.

“Less than 24 hours until we let the dogs out! Well FLOKI more specifically.”

The Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) competitor is celebrating how the listing will make it easier for those living in Europe to invest in the token.

“Bitpanda will be listing FLOKI on the 17th of March! With over 4 MILLION users, Bitpanda is one of the largest and best-regulated multi-asset exchanges in Europe. This listing will finally make it extremely easy for European users to buy the FLOKI cryptocurrency with EURO.”

Floki Inu closed 2022 at $0.0000009. At time of writing, it is trading at $0.0000037, a 311% increase this year.

The meme token was inspired by tech mogul Elon Musk when the Twitter owner tweeted a photo of his Shiba Inu puppy and said he is naming it Floki.

The token has seen a surge of interest with listings on other big exchanges this year.

Kucoin, a prominent crypto exchange platform headquartered in Seychelles, listed FLOKI last month as did Dubai-based crypto exchange Bybit. The popular Korea-based crypto exchange, DigiFinex, listed it this month.

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Name: Sean Carter

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Introduction: My name is Sean Carter, I am a exquisite, spirited, intrepid, unwavering, transparent, irreplaceable, variegated person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.